asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry the proposals for the expansion of the processing sector of the fishing industry.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fish Processing Expansion.
I would refer the Deputy to my reply on 26 October 1978 to Question No. 6, on the same subject, put down by Deputy Seán Treacy, in which I indicated that there were 20 fish processing proposals on hands involving an estimated total capital cost of £5.7 million and a potential job figure of 610.
Sine then the Industrial Development Authority have approved grants for two of these projects involving the setting up of processing factories on Dinish Island, County Cork, and in North County Dublin, while an EEC grant has been approved for the extension of a processing factory at Dungloe, County Donegal.
Could I ask the Minister the extent of the aid from FEOGA for these proposals? Has it been determined?
I can give details of the FEOGA aid to the Deputy. There was a financial participation in each case. I will send details to the Deputy.
What was the percentage approximately?
It varied in each case. I have not got the precise details with me, but I will send them on to the Deputy.
The Minister said there are 20 proposals of which two are already in progress. What would he envisage as the time-scale within which the remaining 18 will commence?
I would expect it to be within the next six to nine months; that sort of time scale.
Has the Minister any idea of the total number of proposals one could anticipate in addition to those 20, over the next five years?
Inquiries are coming in. These are specific applications I am talking about, but a number of tentative ones are coming in which show a very real interest in the facilities we are offering.
The Minister said the 20 proposals will provide 610 jobs at full production. What is his estimate of the likely job creation in fish processing over the next five years, in addition to the 610?
I cannot give a precise figure, but I should like to see a figure of 4,000 to 5,000 involved.
Does one of the two proposals which are going ahead involve the Spanish Multi-national Fishing Organisation?
It does, yes.
Will the Minister allow a number of Spanish boats to fish out of Castletownbere?
That is a separate question.
That will be discussed in the arrangements for landings. That will be another day's work.
Is the Minister aware of local feeling on this matter?
Question No. 9.