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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1979

Vol. 311 No. 7

Written Answers. - EEC Social Fund.


asked the Minister for Labour the total amount received from the EEC Social Fund in each of the past five years, the details of the project for which these moneys were received; and the contribution to each of these projects from the Irish Government.

The total amount of grants from the European Social Fund received in each of the past five years are as follows:



3,631,850.80, b









Details of the projects for which fund assistance has been received in the fiveyear period in question are set out in the attached schedule.

The information requested by the Deputy concerning the contribution from the Irish Government to each such project is not readily available and its compilation would involve an inordinate amount of research. It may be assumed, however, that in general, the amount of contribution from Irish public funds towards each project, other than preparatory studies and pilot schemes, would be the same as the amount of Social Fund Grant for the project. As regards projects for which fund assistance has been approved after 1 January 1978, the ratio of fund grant to national contribution would normally be 55:45, as a result of the higher intervention rate of 55 per cent for Irish projects introduced following the review of the fund in 1977. In the case of preparatory studies and pilot schemes, the fund can contribute up to 50 per cent of the costs but no contribution from public funds is required.

Projects in respect of which European Social Fund Grants were Received in the Period 1974 to 1978, inclusive.

(a) Projects under the General Provisions of the Fund.



1. AnCO

(a) Training of unemployed and redundant persons.

(b) Training of apprentices (undertaken in conjunction with Department of Education—see 8 (a)).

(c) Training Advisory Service.

(d) Support schemes for management and supervisory training.

(e) Training of instructors.

(f) Training of ex-agricultural workers.

(g) Community youth training programme.

(h) Career guidance and work experience for first job seekers.

(i) Support for training programmes by private firms.

2. IndustrialDevelopmentAuthority

Training of workers entering new enterprises.

3. IrishManagementInstitute

Training of managers in employment for higher qualification and retraining of redundant managers.

4. Aer Lingus

Training of (a) aeronautical engineers and (b) airline pilots.

5. GaeltarraEireann

Training of workers, for and in, industry in the Gaeltacht areas.

6. SFADCo.

Training and retraining of workers; training of supervisors.

7. CERT Ltd

Training programmes for workers for the hotel, catering and tourism industries (undertaken in conjunction with the Department of Education—see 8 (e)).

8. Department ofEducation

(a) Training of apprentices (undertaken in conjunction with AnCO—see 1 (b)).

(b) Pre-employment courses for young people.

(c) Training of young people in middle-level technician and secretarial skills.

(d) Middle management/supervisory training courses.

(e) Training programmes for workers for the hotel, catering and tourism industries (undertaken in conjunction with CERT Limited—see 7).

9. NationalmanpowerService

Resettlement Assistance Scheme.

10. I.D.A.AnCODepartment ofEducation

Training by the ESB of unemployed apprentices, surplus to the Board's own requirements.

11. Department ofLocalGovernment

Support for training for the construction industry.

12. An ForasForbartha

Training courses for the construction industry.

13. An BórdIascaighMhara

Training of fishermen.

14. Confederationof IrishIndustry

Training in a number of companies in the food sector.

15. E.S.B.

Training of unemployed persons and retraining of persons for high qualifications.

16. A number ofcompanies inthe privatesector

Training and retraining in companies undertaking major development or re-equipment programmes.

17. RegionalHealthBoards

Vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped.

18. NationalRehabilitationBoard

Vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped.

19. A number ofvoluntaryorganisations

Vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped.

(b) Preparatory Studies and Pilot Schemes.



1. AnCO

Versatility training.

2. AnCO

The dynamics and vocational training implications of low capital cooperative enterprises.

3. AnCO

Occupational obsolescence among managers; implications for employment and vocational training.

4. Muintir naTire

Programme for field training of officers for community development in rural areas.

5. GaeltarraEireann

Training programme enabling the implementation stage of new projects to be carried out more efficiently.

6. Institute ofPublicAdministration

Training of County Development Officers.

7. IrishManagementInstitute

Business development programme.

8. St. Kieran'sTrainingCentre, Bray

The development of a model to enable young itinerants and young settled unemployment to be trained together for entry into normal employment.
