asked the Minister for Education the average expenditure per pupil from public funds under the control of his Department by way of indirect grant or subsidy including the relevant proportion of teacher salary and direct grant where applicable in respect of each of the following categories: (a) a young person who receives eight years of primary school education in a class of average size and three years of post-primary education in a vocational school; (b) a young person who receives eight years of primary school education in a class of average size and five years post-primary education in a secondary school; and (c) a young person who receives eight years of primary education in a class of average size; five years post-primary education in a secondary school; and three years third-level education in a university or similar institution, excluding possible entitlement to a third-level maintenance or tuition grant.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Orals Answers. - Educational Expenditure.
Figures of expenditure for the education services are prepared in the form set out in the Appropriation Accounts presented pursuant to section 7 of the Comptroller and Auditor General Act, 1923 (No. 1 of 1923). They are not available in the form specified in the question.
Is the Minister saying that it is beyond the wit of the combined resources of his Department to make simple calculations about average expenditure for pupils as set out in the question?
I can only adhere to the format of the reply which I have just read. I replied to a question by Deputy Collins in 1977 and Deputy Horgan may find some information in it.
Why did the Minister not find it possible to answer a question by me but found it possible to reply to Deputy Collins?
I found it impossible to answer it because of the format of the question.