asked the Minister for Education the proposals, if any, to provide a comprehensive information and educational service to inform young people of the dangers of the misuse and abuse of drugs.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Orals Answers. - Drug Dangers.
The provision of such a service would be a matter primarily for the Minister for Health through the Health Education Bureau. As far as school curricula are concerned, health education generally may be integrated into all sections so that the cultivation of good health habits may be promoted. Specific periods of time may be devoted to explain more fully some very important aspects of the health education syllabus such as drug abuse. As I have already said in this House, my Department will give all possible co-operation to the Health Education Bureau in their work for schools.
Has the Minister consulted with the Health Education Bureau in this regard?
Yes, I assure the Deputy that we have been in consultation about health problems in schools practically since the Health Education Bureau started operating.
When the Minister is talking about drugs does he mean specifically drugs such as heroin or is he talking about nicotine and alcohol? Are we talking about the whole range of drug addiction?