asked the Minister for Education if he is aware that the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee have expressed themselves as being completely dissatisfied with the financial allocation which he has granted them; and the proposals, if any, to increase this grant in view of the implications for the many schools and colleges involved if the proposed grant is not increased.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Orals Answers. - Dublin VEC Financial Allocation.
No formal written appeal about their financial allocation has been lodged by the committee in question. The appeal will be considered in my Department if and when it is received.
Is the Minister aware that this dissatisfaction with the financial allocation for the current year is not unique to Dublin? In my constituency there has been a substantial cutback of 30 per cent in the financial allocation to our VEC for maintenance of buildings and 25 per cent on scholarships, and the result will be that in October there will be no moneys available for scholarships in the coming year?
If a Deputy puts down a question about Tipperary North Riding I will answer it for him. I am not expected to have details of a specific case.
Does the Minister accept that the case I have put as a member of the VEC is genuine and will have serious implications for the VEC in North Tipperary in the coming year?
I have permitted the Deputy to ask two questions, but they are of a local nature.
Is the Minister aware that the same position pertains in County Donegal?
Is the Minister aware that there is dissatisfaction generally in regard to the vocational educational schemes this year?
I do not accept that.
I regret to have to disagree with the Minister. He is incorrect in his statement. There has been a substantial decrease in the allocation in North County Tipperary and this is the same throughout the country.
The remaining questions will appear on tomorrow's Order Paper.