It is proposed to take No. 8 (resumed) and No. 7. Private Members' Business will be taken from 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., No. 20 (resumed). It is proposed that the House should not meet tomorrow until 11 a.m. to enable Members to attend a commemorative Mass for the last President, Cearbhall O Dálaigh.
Private Business. - Order of Business
I had two Private Notice Questions to the Taoiseach asking him to intervene in the postal and telecommunications dispute. This is a matter of grave and urgent public importance. I want to protest strongly against your decision today and last week, Sir.
The Deputy is aware that his question was ruled out of order and he may not discuss it now.
Surely it should be possible to raise a matter of such grave concern as this. I protest strongly at your decision.
The matter may be put down as an ordinary question.
I am formally asking your permission to raise this matter on the Adjournment tonight.
I will communicate with the Deputy during the afternoon.
Is it not time that we had some indication from the Government as to how and when the postal and telecommunications strike will be ended and when they will govern? The position in Donegal is ludicrous. The people cannot communicate with one another.
The Deputy knows that he cannot bring this up. It is not in order and the Deputy knows that.
It might not be in order but it is time something was done about it.
I know, but the Deputy will admit that only what is in order can be discussed. The Chair cannot permit what is not in order.
I am sure you communicate with as many constituents as I do and you must have heard, the same as I have, every one of them complaining about this matter.
Would Deputy Harte please obey the ruling of the Chair?
I know I am out of order, but I want to protest. It is time something was done about this strike.
In view of the widespread marches yesterday does the Taoiseach intend to make a statement on them?
We already had six questions on this matter today.
When does the Taoiseach propose to take Item No. 13, the Family Planning Bill again?
The Minister says that he is ready anytime that it is possible to resume. That can be arranged between the Whips.
Fairly soon?