asked the Minister for Education the policy regarding the provision of basic facilities such as electricity, running water and flush toilets in two-teacher schools which at present lack some or all of these amenities.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Orals Answers. - Two-Teacher School Facilities.
Under the terms of a circular issued by my Department in August 1977, grants are available for the provision of basic amenities, such as water-flushed sanitation, heating and lighting, in small national schools. The school authorities are empowered to arrange for the carrying out of the work in accordance with guidelines proposed by the Office of Public Works.
Would the Minister tell the House whether any specific ban is put on the provision of such facilities for schools which are scheduled for amalgamation in central schools at a later date?
I would not say there is any ban. Schools which are scheduled for amalgamation at a later date have been assisted to provide these facilities.
Is the Minister not aware that many schools which are scheduled for amalgamation can neither get grants for the provision of these facilities nor get a firm date for the erection or extension of the central school concerned?
The Minister is not so aware and I should be pleased if the Deputy would call to my attention any instances of which he knows.