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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Apr 1979

Vol. 313 No. 9

Written Answers. - Semi-State Companies' Executives Salaries.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the identity, and salary payable to, the chief executive of RTE.

The director general of RTE is Mr. George T. Waters. His current salary is £14,052 per annum.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy the identities and the current salaries of the chief executives of the following semi-State companies: Bord na Móna, Irish Steel Holdings, Industrial Credit Corporation and Nítrigin Éireann Teo.

The information sought by the Deputy in respect of Bord na Móna, Irish Steel Holdings and Nítrigin Éireann Teoranta is set out in the attached statement. I am not in a position to furnish the required information about the Industrial Credit Company, as it is under the aegis of the Minister for Finance.

Following is the statement:



Chief Executive

Official Designation

Remuneration (with effect from 1/3/79)


Bord na Móna

Lewis Rhatigan

Managing Director

Within the range £12,434—£14,092

Irish Steel Holdings

Kevin McCourt

Chairman/ Executive Director

£13,676 with a special addition to cover the fact that he gets no retirement benefits from the post.

Nítrigin Éireann Teoranta

John B. Hynes

Managing Director

The range of total remuneration recommended by the Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector is £13,827— £15,565. The salary being paid by the Board is in excess of the recommended maximum and the matter is under consideration in consultation with the Minister for the Public Service.
