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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Jun 1979

Vol. 315 No. 4

Written Answers. - Oil Supplies.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if any special EEC assistance is under consideration to help alleviate the present oil and petrol supply situation.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if consideration is being given to securing special EEC assistance in the provision of oil supplies.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle I propose to take Questions Nos. 54 and 56 together.

In the course of the Energy Council meeting in Brussels on 17 May 1979, Commissioner Brunner in replying to a statement made by me on the oil market and supply situation in Ireland indicated that the Commission would use their influence with the oil companies to provide increased supplies for this country.

On 6 June 1979 a representative of the Commission stated that the matter had been raised with representatives of the major oil companies who had given an assurance that supplies to Ireland would be improved.

Measures aimed at improving the Community oil supply situation have recently been put forward by the Commission and are at present the subject of consideration at Council level.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will make a statement on the proposal that an EEC consortium be established to monitor oil supplies in the Community and forecast the oil and petrol supply situation.

I am aware of the proposal made by the Deputy to Commissioner Brunner. It seems a matter which should, in the first instance, be considered by the Commission and I feel that a statement by me is not called for at this stage.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if any forecast has been made of the Irish oil and petrol situation to the end of the year.

I am arranging to have a review carried out of the likely supply-demand situation during the coming winter for all forms of energy including, of course, the oil sector.

In this connection consultations have already taken place with representatives of certain fuel supplies. I propose to have this survey extended and completed during the next couple of months so that an over-view of the likely situation will be available to me. Pending completion of this review it would be premature to make the kind of general forecast suggested by the Deputy.

Any responsible comment made at this time about likely oil supplies for the coming winter must emphasise that there are a number of factors, unclear at this stage, which could affect the position. It appears likely, however, that some shortages will persist particularly in relation to gas-diesel oil. If that proves to be the case I will continue to ensure that the reasonable requirements of the more essential users are supplied. People who use such oils for domestic central heating should prudently consider making provision for some kind of non-electrical heating to supplement any shortfall in their oil requirements that may arise in the winter months.
