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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 Nov 1979

Vol. 317 No. 3

Supplementary and Additional Estimates, 1979: Leave to introduce.

I move:

That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Supplementary and Additional Estimates for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of December 1979, namely:—

Votes Nos.:—

21 (Offices of the Minister for Economic Planning and Development),

39 (Roinn na Gaeltachta),

40 (Agriculture),

50 (Social Welfare),

52 (Employment Guarantee Fund).

When is it proposed to take these Estimates?

This has been discussed between the Whips.

It is not agreed.

The intention is that they would be taken in the latter part of next week.

I want to give notice—I have not had a chance to talk to my own Whip yet.


Just a moment. We had a long meeting yesterday about this very subject.

There is a motion before the House.


Order, please.

There is a motion before the House. I insist on my right to speak on that and I can speak for the next hour.

We cannot have a discussion on leave to introduce.

There is a motion before the House.

There he is. Look at him.

If the House can have leave to introduce an Estimate——

There is no debate.

Just a moment, Sir. There is a motion before the House and I would like to be referred to the rule which forbids me to speak on that motion.

I want to speak on that motion.

Gregarious man.

Will all these inhabitants of Olympus keep out of it? Back to your clouds?

Did the Deputy ask a question?

I know the Chair has only recently returned to us. We are glad to see him, and I do not want to fall out with the Chair at this hour of the morning. I am perfectly entitled to discuss, across the floor, the question of what the plans are in regard to this Estimate. It is not a matter of whether the Whips are going to get together or not.

The Deputy must be long enough in this House to know the procedure in regard to leave to introduce an Estimate. We are asking leave of the House to introduce an Estimate. It is not even necessary to give a date.

Very well, Sir.

No discussion will be permitted.

The Chair is trying to shout me down, I have no intention of holding up the business of the House, but the Chair is trying to shout me down before I get one sentence out. I want to say that as far as I am concerned, there will be no agreement to passing the vote for the Office of the Minister for Economic Planning and Development on the nod.

It has been agreed already.

It has not, as far as I am concerned. We have not agreed. Deputy Fitzpatrick gave notice here last week that we were at an end to passing things on the nod.


No better man to recognise the crack of the Whip than the Minister for Health.

(Cavan-Monaghan): Would it be in order for me to ask——


Order, order. Would Deputies please permit——

(Cavan-Monaghan): Would it be in order for me to ask how much money is involved in these Supplementary Estimates? Would the Tánaiste please tell me how much money is involved?

The answer is no.

Question put and agreed to.