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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Feb 1980

Vol. 318 No. 1

Written Answers. - Oil Exploration Licences.


asked the Minister for Energy the action taken by a consortium (details supplied) to meet the job-creation requirement contained under Schedule 3 of their oil exploration licence which provides for the creation of 100 jobs by April 1979 or payment of fines of £100,000; if any such jobs have been created or fines imposed, and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Under the terms of Schedule 3 of Offshore Petroleum Exploration Licence No. 4/76 the licensees agreed to promote the establishment of an industrial undertaking which would provide employment for not less than 100 persons within three years from the date of the licence, that is by 29 March 1979. This deadline was extended to 31 December 1979 to enable detailed feasability studies to be completed on a number of projects.

Despite having taken what I would consider to be all reasonable steps, the licensees were unable to fulfil their job creation obligation by the relevant date. Accordingly, I agreed to discharge the licensees from their obligation on payment of £100,000 as provided for in the licence. The licensees have now paid over this amount.

Notwithstanding the fact that the obligation has been discharged by this payment, I am glad to say that the licensees are continuing to pursue possibilities for the establishment of ventures which would provide some new employment.


asked the Minister for Energy if officials of his Department or the IDA held discussions with a consortium (details supplied) concerning the acceptability of a project under Schedule 3 of their oil exploration licence, and if so, the reasons the project was not accepted.

No discussions were held between officials of my Department or the IDA and the consortium in question concerning the acceptability of the project in question in the context of the obligations of the licensees under Schedule 3 of Offshore Petroleum Exploration Licence No. 4/76.
