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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Mar 1980

Vol. 318 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Farm Incomes.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if his attention has been drawn to the decline in farm incomes, particularly in the western area, that has taken place over the past 2 years and the action he proposes to take to redress this unsatisfactory situation.

While family farm income is estimated to have declined by about 4 per cent in 1979, the position over the two years 1978 and 1979 taken together is that family farm income increased by 9 per cent.

So far as the western area is concerned I have already taken steps to improve the incomes of farmers in that region by reintroducing the mountain lamb extension scheme. A package of comprehensive measures designed to improve farm incomes in the western area is included in structural proposals which are at present before the Council of Ministers. I am pressing for the adoption of these proposals at an early date.

Will the Minister seek to have agreement on these structural proposals as part of the price package and will he accept that the package should not be agreed without these proposals?

I asked, as a matter of urgency at the last meeting on Tuesday last, that this would be the case, so I hope it will be.
