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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Mar 1980

Vol. 318 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Clonakilty (Cork) School.


asked the Minister for Education in relation to the new second level school at Clonakilty, County Cork (i) the date on which enrolment will commence, (ii) the opening date, (iii) the proposed management structure and (iv) the proposed staffing arrangements.

It is intended that the new school in Clonakilty will open in September 1980. The date for enrolments, management structure and the proposed staffing arrangements will be decided upon by the school authorities following meetings which are taking place this week, and in which representatives of local interests and an official of my Department will participate.

Who are the school authorities to which the Minister refers?

I expect the vocational education committee, the local secondary school and the Department of Education. The local interests will be consulted.

Is the Minister aware of a certain feeling of apprehension among the local community that the original idea of the school as a community school may be changed?

I do not think it is an area of the country which is over-given to apprehension.

Could the Minister give an assurance that——

The Minister is not in the assurance business.


What can the Minister say to the parents, who are very concerned in this matter, to allay their apprehension that the original scheme for a community school may at this stage be altered?

The best thing is to refer to my answer that the staffing arrangements, the structure of management and so on will be fully discussed at meetings this week. I am sure the Deputy would agree it would be unwise for me to give assurances or enter into the debate at this stage.

Would the Minister give an assurance that full weight will be given to the views and the wishes of the parents?

