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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Oct 1980

Vol. 323 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Sweepstake Ticket Exports .


asked the Minister for Finance the documentation required to cover the export of sweepstake tickets from this country; if he will give details of the number and value of sweepstake tickets so exported in each of the past five years; and if he will give a breakdown of the countries of destination of such tickets in each of those years.

: The exportation of sweepstakes tickets, that is, lottery tickets, is prohibited under the Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1956. The prohibition does not apply to a sweepstake under the Public Hospitals Acts 1933 to 1940.

For exportation by mail the documentation required is specified in the Post Office Guide. For exportation otherwise than by mail, each separate consignment must be declared to customs on the appropriate export declaration form specified in the customs and excise tariff.

Statistics relating to exports are not compiled in such a manner as would enable the other details requested by the Deputy to be given.

: Is the Minister satisfied that all sweepstake tickets that have been exported other than by post have been fully and properly accounted for to the Revenue Commissioners?

: Yes, I am.

: The Minister's confidence is touching.

: I suppose it is fair to say that nobody can be totally satisfied with any matter——

: I am calling on the Minister to answer Question No. 30.
