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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Nov 1980

Vol. 324 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sugar Company Dispute.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if his attention has been drawn to a newspaper statement (details supplied) that the dispute in the Irish Sugar Company has meant the loss of 200 jobs, cost the company £1 million and has taken £400,000 off the cumulative work force wage packet; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I have seen the statement to which the Deputy refers. The company have informed me that the dispute has cost them about £1 million, that job losses have been about 30 and that wages lost have been about £400,000.

Of course industrial disputes of this kind result in losses to both employers and workers and they can also endanger jobs, especially where, as in this case, seasonal operations are involved. I greatly regret these developments and I hope that in the future they can be avoided through better labour relations. Otherwise further market losses may be sustained, resulting in more jobs being put in jeopardy.

Is the Minister aware of the serious damage inflicted on this and other countries through unofficial strikes? Is he further aware of the danger that farmers who provide the life blood of these factories will think twice about continuing production if they find themselves held to ransom when the crop is ready for harvest?

I agree with the Deputy. I regret what occurred and hope it will not happen again.

Is the Minister concerned at the prospect of permanent loss of employment in the Sugar Company and associated firms and will he ensure as far as possible that such loss of employment will not occur? I do not know if he is aware of the problem which exists in my own area. Will the Minister assure the House that he will do everything possible to safeguard the safety and security of the jobs?

That is a separate question, but I will give the Deputy the assurance that I will do what I can.
