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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Nov 1980

Vol. 324 No. 2

Written Answers. - County Galway Social Welfare Payments.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in reassessing the means of a person (details supplied) in County Galway for an increase in unemployment assistance.

The person concerned reapplied for unemployment assistance on 4 July 1980 and requested that his means be assessed on a factual basis. Following the necessary investigations his means were assessed at £28.85 per week. This entitled him to unemployment assistance at the rate of £4.85 per week and arrears were issued to him on 17 September 1980.

The delay is attributable to the very large numbers of smallholders in the area who opted to have their means assessed on a factual basis which thereby increased considerably the existing workload of the social welfare officers in the area.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the reduction of £6 per week in the amount of unemployment assistance being paid to a person (details supplied) in County Galway.

This person was in receipt of unemployment assistance at the rate of £12.50 per week from 28 March 1979. His means were assessed on a notional basis as £1.20 per week.

He applied to have his land factually assessed and the investigation showed that he had let his holding. His means were accordingly revised on the factual basis to £7.70 per week which entitles him to unemployment assistance at the rate of £8.75 per week.

In the case of land which is let, the letting value must be assessed factually as means under the Social Welfare Acts.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in dealing with an application made on 17 April 1980 for an increase in unemployment assistance by a person (details supplied) in County Galway.

The person concerned is at present in receipt of unemployment assistance at the rate of £23.75 on the basis of a notional assessment of his land. He applied to have his means factually assessed. This has now been completed and it shows that factual assessment of his means would be less favourable to him. Accordingly he will continue to be paid on the basis of the notional assessment.

The delay in this case is attributable to the very large number of persons in the Galway area who opted to have their means assessed factually. This has increased considerable the workload of the Department's outdoor staff in the area.
