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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 26 Feb 1981

Vol. 327 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Trim (Meath) Vocational School.


asked the Minister for Education when Meath VEC provided their observations to him on the proposed schedule of accommodation for the new vocational school at Trim. County Meath; the steps taken by his Department in the matter since then; and when he expects work on the school to commence and to be completed.

Agreement was reached with the County Meath Vocational Education Committee in June 1979 in relation to a schedule of accommodation for a new vocational school at Trim to cater for 275 pupils overall and an acceptable outline sketch scheme was received in my Department on the 29 April 1980. Subsequently, because of enrolment trends, it became necessary to review the question of the number of pupil places to be provided in the new school. Following discussions with the committee, it has now been decided that provision should be made for 250 pupils and planning will be resumed on that basis.

It is not possible at this stage to indicate when building work may commence.

Will there be a significant delay in the originally intended commencement time as a result of the downward revision in the number of places to be provided?

I do not think so. We are increasing them by 25 per cent on the existing enrolment. That is a significant number, but it should not have any effect on the process of planning or building.

What remaining steps must be taken before work will commence?

The revised schedule of accommodation for 225 pupils was sent to the CEO in October 1980. As a result of a deputation which came to me on 19 November, I raised the figure to 250. On 5 February 1981 the building unit was informed that 250 pupils places was the basis for the planning.

Would the Minister answer the question I asked: what further steps must be taken——

We just go ahead with the working drawings on 250 pupil places.

What steps have to be taken between now and the date on which building will commence?

The normal ones are the working drawings, the bill of quantities, and the tender. We can start after that.

Is it proposed to start the school this year and has financial provision been made for this?

I expect it will start this year but I do not want to be more positive than that.

Has the necessary money been made available?

As a matter of fact, I am embarrassed by the amount of money I have for building schools.

Would the Minister embarrass some of the vocational education committees throughout the country and give them some money so that they can be embarrassed too?

That is what I am doing.

The Minister's embarrassment is not shared by many school managers.
