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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 2 Apr 1981

Vol. 328 No. 5

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Court Facilities.


asked the Minister for Justice when he proposes to bring about improvements to court facilities throughout the country; if he is aware of widespread criticism of facilities in many courts; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Responsibility for the provision and maintenance of court accommodation, with certain exceptions in the Dublin area, is vested by law in local authorities. I accept that at many court venues the court accommodation is less than satisfactory and that many venues lack certain desirable facilities such as waiting rooms and consultation rooms. In a number of cases within the past year particular local authorities have improved the quality of the accommodation provided for some District Courts by obtaining the use of fairly satisfactory premises such as community halls on a rental basis. The reinstatement of Tralee courthouse is expected to be completed by mid-summer of this year and that of Waterford courthouse by early 1982. Several local authorities are considering quite extensive repairs and improvements to a number of courthouses and others are dealing with less extensive works on an ongoing basis. Moreover, as I mentioned in my reply to the debate on the Second Stage of the Courts Bill, 1980, I have a set of proposals relating to court accommodation which I am putting to the Government and which, if approved, should pave the way for the upgrading of court accommodation generally throughout the country to an acceptable level.

In Dublin two new jury court suites will shortly be available in the Four Courts, one for High Court business, including family law, and the other for the joint use of the High and Circuit Courts. The Four Courts Hotel site, which has been acquired by the Office of Public Works, will be developed as an office block to accommodate the various court offices at present housed in the Four Courts building, thus freeing further areas there for development as additional courtrooms and ancillary accommodation. Planning for the office block project is at an advanced stage and I understand that it may be possible to invite tenders for the construction phase before the end of this year. It is generally agreed that the accommodation available to the Children's Court is not fully satisfactory. My Department continue to explore with the Office of Public Works the possibility of obtaining more appropriate accommodation for the court and a number of options are being considered at present. Meanwhile the Children's Court premises at Dublin Castle have been extensively redecorated and some improvements were effected in the waiting room facilities there.

Arrangements have been completed for the rental of alternative accommodation to replace the completely inadequate and unsuitable courthouse in Rathfarnham. Some adaptation work is required to fit the new accommodation for court use and it is hoped to put this in hands very shortly and that the new accommodation may be available for use when the District Court sittings resume after the August recess.

Can the Minister name those courts about which he is particularly dissatisfied in terms of standards and which he says are inadequate? Secondly, how does he anticipate that the local authorities will undertake the carrying out of the mandatory responsibilities referred to in view of the fact that this year they will have less finance in real terms than was the case this time last year by virtue of the Government ceiling of 12 per cent on local authority expenditure? Thirdly, with specific reference to the rental arrangements he referred to in relation to the Children's Court, when where these arrangements put in hand?

Regarding the first part of the question, I do not have a list of courts that are in need of repair or of replacement but I shall endeavour to get such a list and to send it to the Deputy. Regarding the involvement of county councils the Deputy should know that within the past 12 months various county councils have been taking action in respect of courthouse accommodation. For instance, Clare and Galway County Councils have arranged to rent accommodation to replace unsatisfactory court accommodation at three of their centres — Ennistymon, Mountbellew and Athenry. Kilkenny County Council are making arrangements to rent alternative premises for District Court sittings at Ballyragget. Wicklow County Council are making similar arrangements while Galway County Council are restructuring existing courthouses, particularly Galway courthouse where they hope to provide a new court office and a new floor over one of the court rooms. Dublin County Council have plans for major works at Kilmainham courthouse and they spell out what is involved. We have found suitable temporary accommodation in the vicinity but the county council have not been able to negotiate satisfactory terms for renting the premises. In the event of that falling through, we would have to seek other accommodation. The Deputy is aware that during debate here on the Courts Bill I said I have a set of proposals relating to court accommodation and which I am putting to the Government. If the Government approve of these proposals, they will make way for me for the upgrading of court accommodation generally throughout the country to an acceptable level.

Has the Minister any idea of when the rental rearrangements in respect of a children's court took place? Regarding the second part of the Minister's reply, will this whole question of a new set of proposals not hinge ultimately on whether the Government are prepared to allocate adequate finance for this purpose? Am I to take it that the Minister's proposals are essentially about internal restructuring or do they propose the allocation of adequate resources for the purpose of dispensing with court rooms which, by common consent, are not acceptable in this day and age?

I do not have particulars of the date on which arrangements were made to provide alternative accommodation for the Kilmainham courthouse.

Was it recently?

There is nothing here to indicate when the arrangements were made but the county council are in the process of trying to negotiate satisfactory terms for the rental. In the event of their efforts not being successful, new accommodation will have to be found. I would have no hesitation in letting the Deputy have details of the date if those details were in the brief.

On the question of the proposals to the Government, is there involved a rearrangement or new resources?

The Deputy will have to be a little patient with me until such time as the Government either accept or reject my proposals. Then the Deputy may either praise me or take me to task, as the case may be.

I look forward to praising the Minister.
