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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 22 Oct 1981

Vol. 330 No. 3

Appointment of Minister.

A Cheann Comhairle, b'áil liom cead a fháil chun a chur in iúl, mar eolas don Dáil:

(1) gur cheap an tUachtarán inné an Seanadóir Séamus Ó Dúbhaigh mar chomhalta den Rialtas, tar éis dom a chur in iúl dó go raibh Dáil Éireann tar éis comhaontú le mé d'ainmniú an tSeanadóra Ó Dúbhaigh; agus

(2) go ndearna mé inné sannadh na Roinne Gnóthaí Eachtracha do Sheán Ó Ceallaigh a fhorcheannadh agus an Roinn sin a shannadh do Shéamus Ó Dúbhaigh.

A Cheann Comhairle, I beg leave to announce, for the information of the Dáil,

(1) that, having informed the President that Dáil Éireann had approved my nomination of Senator James Dooge to be a member of the Government, the President yesterday appointed him accordingly; and

(2) that I terminated the assignment of the Department of Foreign Affairs to John Kelly yesterday and assigned that Department to James Dooge.

May I say that, even though we found it necessary to oppose the nomination of Senator Dooge to this post, now that he has been nominated by the Dáil and his nomination confirmed by the Dáil and by the President, we wish him well in his difficult and arduous task.

I appreciate, as will Senator Dooge, the courteous words of the Opposition.
