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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 Oct 1981

Vol. 330 No. 4

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Dwelling Houses.


asked the Minister for the Environment the total number of dwelling houses in the State; and the number estimated (i) to be unoccupied; and (ii) which do not have (a) a bathroom and (b) an indoor flush toilet.

The estimated total number of houses in the State is 915,000. Information about the number of unoccupied houses is not available. In 1980, the estimated number of occupied houses without a fixed bath or shower was 185,000 and the number without an indoor flush toilet was 141,000.

Why can we not have some estimate of the number of unoccupied houses in the State? Surely that is a reasonable question?

I cannot give the reason. I will take the matter up with my Department and ask if it is possible for them to extract that information. If I can elicit that information quickly, I will be happy to pass it on to the Deputy.

One of the reasons why I asked that question is——

A question, please.

I am asking the Minister would he agree that many of these unoccupied houses are actually the property of the local authorities, purchased under purchase tenant schemes and now lying idle? Some of the legislation which appeared at that time to be enlightened in this regard, now appears retrograde. Perhaps there is a need to have another look at that legislation which allows council houses to be purchased and left idle after a number of years.

I am not aware that there are council houses lying idle.

This is very prevalent in rural areas.

Given the representations which have been made to me by local authorities looking for funds to build houses, I am suprised at what the Deputy says. I will certainly take the matter up with the relevant local authorities.
