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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Dec 1981

Vol. 331 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Telephone Service.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if the new subscriber carrier systems for telephone installations are now being widely used in Dublin city and in the rest of the country.

Subscriber carrier systems are currently in use in Dublin and in other locations throughout the country. Substantial supplies of additional carrier equipment were delivered recently and further large quantities are in course of delivery. These are being installed as quickly as practical.

Is the Minister of State telling me this week that subscriber carrier systems are now in use whereas last week he said they had not been introduced into service at all? I asked last week and received an answer to the effect that these subscriber carrier systems were not in service at all. Then we hear this week that they are in service. Now that we know the facts of the situation will the Minister say when the multi-channel subscriber carrier systems will be introduced on a wide scale in Dublin city?

I want to explain to the Deputy that when he asked that question two weeks ago in the Dáil it was during interruptions. I misunderstood what he said, and gave him an incorrect answer. I apologise to the Deputy for doing so. I thought the Deputy was asking something else. The multi-carrier subscriber systems will be introduced as soon as they are supplied.
