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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Mar 1982

Vol. 333 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tobacco Growing.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if tobacco is still grown on a commercial basis in this country; if a licence is required; and, if it is not grown, if he will investigate the possibility of re-starting this enterprise.

Tobacco has not been grown in this country on a commercial basis for many years.

A licence from the Revenue Commissioners is necessary to grow tobacco.

Following our entry into the Community, experimental work was carried out to see if varieties of tobacco suitable for the European market could be grown commercially here. These experiments were not successful and no further action in the matter is contemplated at this stage.

Is the Minister aware that in the war years, in particular, tobacco was grown on a commercial basis in this country? Why could this practice not be revived?

Yes. However, one must be realistic. By 1949, which is a long time ago, one had only a total of 16 acres in the country under tobacco, with nine growers. My colleague reminds me that they were mainly in Wexford.

In Waterford, as well.

The monks of Saint Benedict.

Would the Minister consider growing tobacco on an experimental basis, in view of the fact that from 1936 to 1939 we grew tobacco in the counties of Wexford and Waterford? I understand that the grades were exceptionally good and compared favourably with other growers' as far as the needs of cigarette manufacturers in this country were concerned. Is the Minister not prepared to consider this on a commercial basis?

The Deputy's suggestion is a valuable one. I shall ask An Foras Talúntais to look into the matter and shall get in touch with the Deputy further.

Talking about looking into it is one thing, but could the Minister give us some kind of time limit? If any experimental work is to be done this year it would have to be started within the next six weeks. If some type of start is not made now, it will be too late for the season of 1982.

I will discuss the matter with the experts concerned in the Agricultural Institute.

We do not want more smoke, we want fire.

There are no experts in this country in that regard.

I will be helpful, Deputy. There are experts here.

There are no experts available. If the Minister does not look further for his information, there will be no tobacco grown this year.

I would ask the Deputy not to make statements. The Minister has answered his question.

He has not answered my question. Would the Minister be prepared to ask An Foras Talúntais to grow tobacco on an experimental basis for the season of 1982?

I will follow up the Deputy's request in the most constructive manner. He knows that I am trying to be helpful, or he should know.
