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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 May 1982

Vol. 334 No. 9

Written Answers. - Pre-School Playgroups.


asked the Minister for Health if he is aware of long delays being experienced by the Irish Pre-school Playgroups Association in respect of the payment of grants; if he proposes to introduce any new grant scheme to help the Association's members; and if he will investigate urgently reports of delays in paying grants.

I approved the payment, through the Eastern Health Board, of a grant to the Association in respect of the current year. The amount of the grant was decided on the basis of the association's projected budget for 1982. The Board made an initial payment of £6,000 in March last and are in communication with the association as regards payment of further instalments.

The question of any extension of grants to the association would need to be considered in the context of any proposals from the association for the expansion of its activities and in the light of the extremely limited resources available to me. No proposals have been put forward to date by the association.


asked the Minister for Health the moneys available this year to Irish pre-school playgroups; and how such money will be dispensed.

I have made a total of £850,000 available in this year's estimates for the provision of day care services for pre-school children throughout the country. This money has been allocated to the health boards for the provision of grants for groups of parents and voluntary bodies providing such facilities. I have asked the health boards to give priority in the making of grants to centres which are concerned mainly with supporting deprived families. In addition, my colleague, Aire na Gaeltachta, has made £50,000 available towards the provision of day care services for pre-school children in Gaeltacht areas.
