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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 2 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 4

Written Answers. - Inter-Departmental Committees.


asked the Minister for Health if he will give details of the composition, purpose, date of appointment and frequency of meetings of each inter-departmental committee in which his Department is involved; and if the committees have produced or will produce a written report on their work.

My Department have set up one inter-departmental committee. The details in respect of that committee as requested by the deputy are as follows:

Title: Co-ordinating Committee on Drug Abuse.

Composition: Department of Health, Department of Justice, Department of Education, Revenue Commissioners, Garda Síochána, Eastern Health Board, Jervis Street Hospital—Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre, Health Education Bureau.

Purpose: To co-ordinate activities and exchange information on measures to prevent and control drug abuse.

Date of appointment: 1971.

Frequency of Meetings: Every three to six months.

Production of Reports: No reports are produced by the committee.
