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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Mar 1983

Vol. 341 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Salmon Stocks .


asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he has examined the present position in relation to the damage being caused to salmon stocks by commercial fishing of our rivers; if he has any plans to deal with the situation; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

: As commercial salmon fishing is in general prohibited in the freshwater portions of rivers, I assume that the question refers to commercial fishing for salmon in tidal waters of rivers and their estuaries. While I am concerned about the overall level of commercial salmon fishing I am not convinced that such fishing in tidal and estuarine waters is in itself a serious threat to our salmon stocks. I am, however, examining at present the various statutory salmon conservation measures in operation and will decide shortly whether changes are necessary so as to ensure the conservation and rational exploitation of our valuable salmon fishery.

: The question relates to fishing in our rivers. Would the Minister agree that a lot of damage is done to stocks by commercial fishing? For example, in the Minister's own town, Ballina, there is the Moy fishing company. We constantly hear of the damage done by drift net fishermen but such companies have a free hand and are not restricted in any way by regulations.

: That is not true. They are restricted by law to a maximum catch. Various laws and by-laws have been made by Ministers under the fishery Acts and these impose stringent measures to conserve salmon stocks. If the Deputy wishes I will outline a long list of these restrictions.

: Would the Minister accept that with the sophisticated gear used in hauling in salmon in rivers such as the Moy there is no escape for the fish? Will he look at the question of this kind of fishing in our rivers?

: That is being looked into at present. The current policy in the Department is to allow reasonable fishing consistent with arrangements for adequate conservation measures. If this two pronged approach is applied the fisheries will benefit.

: There is damage much further out as well, south of Greenland.

: I agree, but it is not my fault that we have reached the present level in relation to salmon fisheries.

: When will the examination be completed?

: Serious damage is being done to the salmon stocks by the non-appointment of water keepers. There are many such positions vacant. What plans has the Minister to deal with that?

: I am as concerned as the Deputy about the level of illegal fishing and the level of exploitation of our salmon fisheries. As Deputy Wilson said, unless we take measures quickly these fisheries will disappear. I am making every effort to provide measures which will ensure the survival of our salmon fisheries, including looking at the question of water keepers.

: When the Minister has to hand the results of the examinations which are being carried out and he finds out what damage has been caused, will he make more money available for the purchase of eggs and ovum?

: This is something which must await the outcome of the investigations being carried out. In the absence of that information it would be foolish of me to give any undertakings.
