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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Apr 1983

Vol. 341 No. 6

Written Answers . - Grants Payment .


asked the Minister for the Environment if he will arrange for the payment of home improvement and water and sewerage grants of £880 to a person (details supplied) in County Galway.

: A house improvement grant under the current scheme cannot be allowed in this case because, contrary to a qualifying condition of the scheme, the work had commenced before an inspection of the house was carried out. The applicant has been so informed. An application under the old scheme from the person named had also to be refused as he failed to comply with the provisions of the Housing Regulations, 1980, (as amended), requiring that notification of the completion of work and a claim for payment of the grant be submitted not later than 30 June 1981.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the long delay in paying the first part of a mortgage subsidy to a person (details supplied) in County Galway.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the delay in paying a mortgage subsidy to persons (details supplied) in County Galway.

: I propose to take Questions Nos. 524 and 525 together.

On the basis of information submitted by the applicant that the mortgage deed was executed in June 1981 a provisional approval to the mortgage subsidy issued to him. However, it has now been established that the mortgage deed was, in fact, executed on 31 March 1981 and, consequently, this applicant does not qualify for the subsidy which is only payable in cases where mortgages were executed on or after 10 April 1981.
