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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 May 1983

Vol. 342 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Hotel Industry.


asked the Minister for Trade, Commerce and Tourism if he is aware of the crisis situation that now exists in the Irish hotel industry; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I am familiar with the difficult situation facing the hotel industry in Ireland. Both the Minister and I have met with representatives of the industry to discuss their problems. As the Deputy is now aware, the Government in the recent Finance Bill make provision for a reduction in the VAT rate chargeable on accommodation provided by hotels from 23 per cent to 18 per cent from 1 May 1983. This provision has been warmly welcomed by the industry.

Would the Minister clarify exactly what this so-called reduction in the VAT rate implies, considering that it was his Government who raised it from 18 per cent to 23 per cent? Would the Minister now say if VAT is to be at 18 per cent for the hotel industry on all accommodation, on all bed nights? Yes or no?

The reduction in VAT is applicable to hotels and other sectors of the industry on all bed accommodation.

It is important that this be clarified for the sake of the industry. I take it now that it applies to all accommodation, all locations and all types of tourists, home and foreign. I take that to be the case. Obviously it must be or else the Minister does not know. Would the Minister tell me from his records how many hotels last year were in a breakeven situation, how many persons are employed in the hotel sector and how many people lost their jobs in the last three months?

If the Deputy will put down a separate question I will ascertain that information. I have not been asked today for this information.

Question No. 6.

I regard that as totally unsatisfactory and I might refer——

The Deputy's supplementary appeared to be a separate question.

The question refers specifically to the crisis situation that obtains in the Irish hotel industry. Is the Minister suggesting to me——

If the Deputy will pardon me, it appears to the Chair that the question, as framed, is a general one. If the Deputy were to put all the specific questions which could be put under that heading, the Minister would need a very large file with him.

A Cheann Comhairle, while I recognise what you are saying, surely you are not suggesting to me that the Minister of State does not know the total number of hotels operating here at present and the total number of persons employed in them? Are you?

The Minister might not have that information.

Would the Minister indicate to me how many persons have lost their jobs in the Irish hotel industry in the past three months and how many hotels are actually operating in the country at present?

That is a separate question.

If the Deputy will put down a question seeking that specific information I will be only too pleased to give it to him.
