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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Jun 1983

Vol. 343 No. 4

Ceisteanna-Questions. Oral Answers. - Agriculture Development Plan.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if he has received the final report of the committee appointed by the last Government to draw up proposals for a four-year plan for Irish agriculture.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if he proposes to publish a White Paper on a national development plan for agriculture.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 7 and 8 together.

I understand that the working group are still engaged in the preparation of their final report and I have indicated to them that I would be glad if they would let me have it as soon as possible. I will consider the question of publishing it when I have had a chance to study it.

(Limerick West): Is it a fact that the Minister and the Government have frustrated this working group with the result that two of their members have resigned in disgust because of the approach of the Minister? I am now asking him in the interests of the agricultural sector to reconsider his decision and re-introduce this committee and ask them to present their report as quickly as possible.

As I stated in my original reply, I still have not received the final report from this committee and I am awaiting the report in question.

(Limerick West): I ask the Minister, therefore, to ask the committee to meet.

The committee meet continuously. There is no such thing as the committee not functioning.

Does the Minister not agree that this committee were ready to present a report to the Minister by the end of last January and would he give come explanation as to why that report was not forthcoming by then?

Unfortunately, the report has not come forward; but in my experience in this House it is not unusual for reports not to be published when they are expected. There was an interim report furnished by the committee in October last but in the subsequent Estimates, which were published in November, no provision was made for any implementation of the various recommendations.

Does the Minister appreciate that within the budget framework provisions are made for particular aspects which arise and can be submitted as part of the Estimates of any Government Department? Is the Minister also aware that the whole purpose of publishing the interim report was to secure such agreement and that agreement was reached in respect of the adoption of those interim recommendations?

That is a separate question.

Is the Minister aware that agreement was reached on the adoption of those interim reports——

That is a long speech, Deputy.

Would the Minister state what practical recommendations which form a part of the overall report which has been delayed by the Minister were not adopted by the Government?

As I stated, a Cheann Comhairle, there were recommendations made in that interim report but there was no finance provided in the 1983 Estimates for their implementation.

The Minister has missed my point.

No, I have not. The previous Government made recommendations but they did not provide——

I am moving on to the next question. We cannot have a debate.

It is no wonder that the Minister could not negotiate in Brussels.


Deputies will have to allow Question Time to proceed in an orderly manner.

(Limerick West): As a result of what the Minister has stated, would he put a time limit on the receipt of this report from the committee?

The sooner I get the report the better.

A senior officer of the Minister's Department is chairman of the committee.

The names of civil servants should not be bandied about in this House and Deputy Lenihan should know that.

Do not bully me.

The Deputy has made a very serious insinuation against Mr. Creedon, who is one of the most senior and one of the most outstanding——

(Limerick West): I want the Minister to answer my supplementary question.

I have a discretion to keep order at Question Time. I am now moving to Question No. 9.

(Limerick West): In view of the Minister's unsatisfactory reply, I wish to raise this matter on the Adjournment.

The Chair will communicate with the Deputy.
