asked the Minister for Education the present position in relation to the proposed extension to Arles national school, County Laois; and if urgent steps will be taken to have this extension erected and completed without further delay.
Written Answers. - County Laois Schools.
It is understood from the Commissioners of Public Works that the necessary revisions of specifications etc., to allow for the provision of an additional classroom in the extension at Arles national school, County Laois, are nearing completion. When the revised documents have been approved by my Department it will be necessary to seek planning permission.
Every effort will be made to ensure that there will be no avoidable delay in bringing this project to the stage where building can commence.
asked the Minister for Education the present position in relation to the proposed new national school at Station Road, Portarlington, County Laois; and if urgent steps will be taken to have this school erected without further delay.
The Department are investigating the proposed housing development in Portarlington, and where this development will take place.
The distribution of schoolgoing and pre-school children in the town is also being looked at so that the accommodation requirements in the proposed new school at Station Road may be determined. A decision in relation to the provision of the school will then be taken as quickly as possible.