asked the Minister for the Environment when the capital finance will be provided to fund the rising main and the new Summit tank for which approval has been sought by Dublin Corporation as the first stage in the improvement schemes for the supply of water to Howth Head.
Written Answers. - Howth Head (Dublin) Water Supply.
I approved Dublin Corporation's preliminary proposals for Howth Water Supply Improvement Scheme, on 21 December 1982. The corporation were invited to prepare contract documents for this scheme, and initially to submit detailed plans for the first stage comprising a pumping station at Dungriffan, a new rising main and a new reservoir at Bailey Green. The question of a financial commitment will not arise until contract documents have been submitted by the corporation.
The corporation have also submitted a proposal to my Department under their 1983 Small Schemes Programme to lay the rising main — a 200 mm diameter watermain from Dungriffan tank to the Summit tank at Howth to provide an interim improvement in supply. The corporation were notified of their small schemes allocation in March 1983 and have indicated that work on this scheme will commence in October, 1983.