asked the Minister for the Environment if, in view of the inadequacy of the present scheme of grant aid to disabled persons for alterations and extensions to buildings, he will improve the present scheme which relates to two-thirds of the cost up to a maximum of £4,000.
Written Answers. - Grant Aid for Disabled.
The amount of grant payable by a housing authority under the disabled persons grants scheme can be up to two-thirds of the approved cost of the work but in practice local authorities generally base the amounts of their grants on the level of recoupment by the Department. The latter, which was fixed at £1,200 in 1977, was revised to £2,000 in April 1981. In practice this ensures that a maximum grant of not less than £4,000 is available to an applicant under the scheme. A housing authority is empowered to pay up to the full approved cost in respect of works to a local authority dwelling.
A revision of the present level of recoupment is not contemplated at present. The grants payable under the disabled persons scheme are more favourable than those under the normal house improvement grants scheme.