I propose to take Questions Nos. 250, 251 and 252 together. I am aware that it is estimated by Tipperary (North Riding) County Council that it will cost £208,000 approximately to collect the warrant of £443,000 in the county in the current year.
Having regard to the decline in the workloads of rate collectors generally, the question of rationalising rate collection arrangements is being examined in the context of a claim by the staff side, under the conciliation and arbitration scheme, for the creation of a new national grade of revenue collector. It is intended that discussions will be arranged by the Local Government Staff Negotiations Board with staff side interests as soon as possible. With regard to the use of computers, I would point out that most local authorities are presently using computers in connection with the levy and assessment of rates.
In all the circumstances, I have no proposals for replacing the existing computer based systems with a central one. I should mention that the Northern Ireland system of rate collection, which is a centralised one, is not comparable to ours.