asked the Minister for the Environment if he is aware of the prospective closure of the Blackrock and Dún Laoghaire baths; the action, if any, he intends to take to keep these amenities open on a seasonable and permanent basis for the future of the people of the Dún Laoghaire area and the hinterland thereof; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Dún Laoghaire and Blackrock Baths.
I have no functions regarding the management of swimming pools. These are matters for the relevant local authority, which in the case of the Blackrock and Dún Laoghaire baths, is Dún Laoghaire Corporation.
I understand that the corporation opened both baths in early June and that they will remain open until 28 August this year. The availability of the baths beyond this period is matter for Dún Laoghaire Corporation.