asked the Minister for Health if he is aware that posts authorised by his Department in 1978 for community workers are being phased out by the Eastern Health Board and replaced by social workers doing casework; if he has been consulted on this matter; and if he is concerned at this development, given the acute need for community workers particularly in disadvantaged areas.
Written Answers. - Community Workers.
I am aware that because of pressure of work, and the nature of it that the Eastern Health Board considered it necessary in at least one case to fill a vacant community worker post with a social worker assigned to case work.
This approach was largely influenced by the special nature of the problems in the area and the restrictions generally on the recruitment of staff.
I accept that there is a certain ambiguity as to the respective roles of social workers and community workers and this is a matter which I will have examined in the context of the review of the organisation of community care which is under way at present.