asked the Minister for Justice, if, in view of the increase in crime, in particular burglaries, he will arrange for an increase in the Garda manpower at Skerries station, County Dublin; and if he will further arrange for the station to be open on a 24-hour basis.
Written Answers. - Skerries (Dublin) Garda Strength.
Limerick East): The detailed deployment of Garda manpower is a matter for the Garda authorities who report that the strength at Skerries station has been increased by three since 30 November 1982. Foot and mobile patrols operate from the local station and the area also receives attention from mobile patrols from Rush and Balbriggan stations as well as the traffic corps based at Drogheda.
The Garda authorities also report that an extension of the opening hours at Skerries station would not be feasible at present having regard to the strength of the station party but that the matter will be kept under review.