asked the Minister for Social Welfare the percentage of persons who are entitled to social security (a) benefit and (b) assistance in each EEC country.
Written Answers. - Social Security in EEC.
Information of the nature requested is not available in my Department. Inquiries were made from the Central Statistics Office and it is understood that the statistics sought are not published in comprehensive form for the EEC member states.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the social security that is available to women working full time in the home in each EEC country.
The most recent information on social security benefits in EEC member states is contained in the Commission publication "Comparative Tables of the Social Security Systems in the Member States of the European Communities, Eleventh Edition" which relates to the situation at 1 July 1980. The Tables include a variety of benefits, including family benefits, which could be provided to women at home. A copy of this publication is available in the Oireachtas Library.