asked the Minister for Justice the number of applicants for entrance to the Garda Síochána in the 1981 competition who have yet to be called for a second medical examination and if they will be called before the candidates who were successful in the 1982 examination.
Written Answers. - Garda Síochána Candidates.
Limerick East): Arrangements for the medical examination of candidates for entry to the force are a matter for the Garda authorities, who have informed me that at present there is a total of approximately 150 candidates from the 1981 competition who have been informed that they may reapply for a second medical examination if they reach the requisite medical standard within one year of their first examination. I am informed that 33 of these candidates have applied for a second medical examination and that these examinations are being carried out this week.
The timing of the second medical examination of the remaining candidates will, I am informed, depend primarily on the date of their request for such an examination. Generally, such examinations are arranged as soon as practicable after receipt of candidates' requests and will not have to await completion of the medical examination of candidates from the 1983 competition. I assume that in referring to the 1982 examination the Deputy had in mind the competition which was advertised in November 1982 and for which the qualifying written examination was held on 17 February 1983.