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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Feb 1984

Vol. 347 No. 10

Written Answers. - Drug Offenders.


asked the Minister for Justice if it is his policy to differentiate between drug offenders specifically between those convicted of pushing heroin and those dealing in cannabis, as apparently at present the Department officials do not differentiate in respect of prisoners with cannabis convictions who despite being on excellent behaviour in prison do not benefit with days off, early release, etc.

, Limerick East): The exercise of the discretion of the Minister for Justtice to release prisoners and juvenile detainees before the completion of their sentences is exercised, just as a court's discretion in sentencing is exercised, having regard to general considerations applicable to categories of offences and to the particular circumstances of the individual offender concerned. While any unauthorised dealing in drugs must be regarded as a serious matter I accept that there are degrees of culpability depending on the circumstances. If the Deputy has representations to make on behalf of any individual who is in custody it is open to him to give me whatever details he has and I will consider them.
