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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 May 1984

Vol. 350 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Bricks Imports.


asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism in view of the continuing increase in imports of building bricks, the steps he proposes to take to encourage home manufacturers to increase their production capacity to meet the demand.

I understand that total imports of building bricks have shown a significant reduction over the past two years. Substantial State assistance has been provided in recent years to Irish manufacturers of building bricks to install new plant in order to increase capacity and to meet changing market demand.

I am informed by the Industrial Development Authority that there is a considerable amount of unused home production capacity in this sector. This situation has been aggravated by the recession in the construction industry and competition from imports, especially from Northern Ireland. Accordingly, it would not now be appropriate for the State to encourage home manufacturers to increase production capacity for building bricks generally.

While there is a substantial reduction, would the Minister agree that up to 1981-82 there was a continuous high volume increase in importation of bricks and that there is still room for much more production here?

I accept what the Deputy said with regard to production capacity which is under-utilised at present. I understand that the total quantity of building bricks imported decreased from 18.2 million in 1981 to 10.6 million in 1983, a substantial reduction.

Could the Minister give the increased figures as recorded in An Foras Forbartha Report for 1981-82?

I do not have those figures.

That is a separate question.


asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism the quantity of fire-clay and fire bricks imported in 1983; the quantity home manufactured; and the proposals there are to develop further their manufacture.

I am informed that the statistical information sought by the Deputy is not available as it is not classified separately by the Central Statistics Office. However, data on imports, including fire-clay and fire bricks, is contained in the tabular statement, which I propose to have circulated with the Official Report.

I understand from the Industrial Development Authority that they have no industrial proposal under consideration for assistance in respect of the expansion of production of the products in question.

Following is the statement:

I. Imports of clays (including fire-clays) in 1983



Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite and mullite


Chamotte earth


Other clays (excluding kaolin, bentonite decolourising earths and fuller's earth)




II. Imports of refractory (fire) bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory constructional goods in 1983.


With a basis of magnesite, dolomite or chromite


Others containing not less than 93% by weight of silica


Others containing more than 7% but less than 45% by weight of alumina.


Others containing not less than 45% by weight of alumina






Have the Minister's Department any comparisons between the quality of the material available here for manufacture of fire bricks and the imported article?

I have no information regarding the quality of different bricks. That is a very technical question and was not part of the original question. I will be happy to facilitate the Deputy by trying to get the information for him.

It is a question of the standard of the materials.

That was not part of the question asked. I will try to get the information for the Deputy.
