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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 29 Jan 1985

Vol. 355 No. 4

Written Answers. - Information on Swedish Diplomat.


asked the Minister for Foreign Affiars if he will make a statement regarding the Swedish Diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, believed to be imprisoned in the Soviet Union since the end of World War II; and if he will make representations to the Soviet Union and to Amnesty International Ireland to secure information on the whereabouts of Raoul Wallenberg and to secure his release.

Raoul Wallenberg, whose activities in the Swedish Legation in Budapest saved the lives of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary, was last seen in Budapest in January 1945. There are reports that he has been seen since then in different prisons in the Soviet Union. In 1957 Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Gromyko said that the conclusion should be drawn, from a document found in the archives of the Ljulbjanka prison in Moscow, that Wallenberg died in this prison in July 1947.

My Department have made the Soviet Embassy aware of concern about the case of Raoul Wallenberg which have been expressed to the Government.
