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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 6 Jun 1985

Vol. 359 No. 4

Written Answers. - Protection from Dangerous Substances.


asked the Minister for Labour if he will introduce a warning system to advice the public of the presence of chemical gases, liquids or spray.

The Dangerous Substances Act, 1972, which is administered by my Department, provides for the making of regulations for the protection of persons and property from the hazards associated with dangerous substances. A comprehensive set of safety regulations relating specifically to petroleum, and which include provisions for warning notices, alarms, labelling of tanks and warning signs on vehicles, was brought into operation in 1979. Further regulations relating to the conveyance by road of 25 other scheduled substances were brought into operation in 1980. They provide for the labelling of tanks, containers and packages, display by vehicles of appropriate signs, training of personnel, and the action to be taken in the event of an incident involving a scheduled substance. I propose to extend this list of 25 substances very shortly to include a far wider range of substances.

My Department also administers regulations under the European Communities Act, 1972, implementing EC directives relating to the classification, packaging and labelling and notification of dangerous substances placed on the market which include requirements that suppliers put warning labels on containers for dangerous substances.

Legislation, which is at present being prepared, to comply with the EC directive on the major accident hazards of certain industrial activities will ensure that persons liable to be affected by a major accident are informed in an appropriate manner of the safety measures and of the correct behaviour to be adopted in the event of an accident.

The Commission of Inquiry on Safety, Health and Welfare at Work — the Barrington Commission — have, in their recommendations, taken into account the protection of the public from hazards arising from work activities wherever this is a significant consideration and made certain recommendations in this regard. I have taken those recommendations into account in my development of proposals for legislative change relating to safety and health at work based on the commission's overall recommendations.
