asked the Minister for the Environment the number of people on the housing list with (1) Sligo Corporation (2) Sligo County Council and (3) Leitrim County Council.
Vol. 361 No. 8
asked the Minister for the Environment the number of people on the housing list with (1) Sligo Corporation (2) Sligo County Council and (3) Leitrim County Council.
asked the Minister for the Environment the plans his Department has for building new houses in Sligo town, Sligo county and Leitrim County; the number of houses that will be built in each area during 1986, and where they will be located.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 78 and 79 together. The local authorities mentioned have indicated that the number of approved applicants on their lists at 31 December 1984 (the latest date for which figures are available) were Sligo County Council, 284; Sligo Corporation, 200; Leitrim County Council, 314; The initiation of proposals for new housing schemes is a function of individual local authorities.