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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Feb 1986

Vol. 363 No. 15

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers.

Perhaps you can give me some guidance, a Cheann Comhairle. Three of the questions I tabled for today have been disallowed on the basis that they anticipate the budget. These questions were dealing with taxation, budget deficit and unemployment. I wish to draw your attention to Question No. 4 which apparently you have accepted and which asks specifically the effect, if any, that the 1986 budget is likely to have on these returns. If that question is in order I cannot understand how the other three were not allowed.

It looks as if the question that is allowed is a statistical one.

I cannot understand how my questions, including a priority question, were ruled out of order. They were specific.

I have not seen the other questions so I am not in a position to discuss them.

I can tell you——

I am not prepared to discuss the questions with Deputy O'Kennedy.

How can these important questions anticipate the budget?

I am not prepared to be cross-examined in respect of my decisions.

My three questions were at least as relevant as is Question No. 4.
