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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Feb 1986

Vol. 364 No. 2

Written Answers. - Disease Eradication Scheme.


(Limerick West) asked the Minister for Agriculture if he is aware of the serious concern among the farming community and among the veterinary profession with regard to the reduction in the budget for disease eradication; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


(Limerick West) asked the Minister for Agriculture if all herds will be tested this year for tuberculosis and brucellosis under the disease eradicetion scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 80 and 84 together.

The financial provision for TB and brucellosis eradication in 1986 must be viewed in the context of the exceptionally difficult budgetary situation which has necessitated economies in many sectors.

While it is not envisaged that all herds will be tested for bovine tuberculosis this year, any meaningful evaluation of the testing programme in 1986 must have regard to the exceptional level of activity since the beginning of the current round in June 1985 and which is continuing until the round ends on 23 March next. In that time the national herd will have been tested on average one and a half times and in many badly infected areas herds will have been tested at least twice. Following on this intensive programme activity over the remainder of 1986 will be mainly concentrated on the high-risk areas identified during the current round. This approach can be expected to yield the greatest return in terms of identifying reactors and controlling the spread of disease.

The national herd will continue to be monitored for brucellosis through a combination of blood tests and milk ring tests.
