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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Apr 1986

Vol. 365 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Football Match Violence.


asked the Minister for Justice if he is satisfied that sufficient gardaí were on duty at the recent FAI Cup semi-final at Richmond Park on April 13 when there was a serious outbreak of violence between sections of the crowd; if the gardaí are planning any new moves to curb violence at football matches; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

In relation to this question it is important to bear in mind that the responsibility for the orderly control of crowds at football matches and other events of that nature rests on the organisers of such events. The attendance of gardaí for duty inside the grounds or premises at these events can be arranged by organisers through the Garda authorities who will provide the level of Garda attendance requested. Where this service is provided, the organisers must bear the cost.

The persons responsible for crowd control and safety at the football match referred to in the question made private arrangements for the maintenance of order and did not request the Garda authorities to provide gardaí for duty within the grounds.

Outside the grounds a number of gardaí were on duty concerned with traffic control and public order. The Garda authorities say that, having regard to the particular demand on their resources at the time and the previous good record of crowd behaviour at that ground, the number of gardaí on duty was considered to be adequate. When trouble did occur reinforcements were brought in and order was quickly restored.

Discussions are at present in progress between the Garda and representatives of the Football Association of Ireland on issues relating to crowd control and the prevention of violence at football grounds.

Can the Minister say if any prosecutions arose following that event?

I am not aware of any.
