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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Apr 1986

Vol. 365 No. 7

Written Answers. - County Galway Group Water Schemes.


asked the Minister for the Environment when he will approve grants for a group water scheme (details supplied) in County Galway in order that this scheme may commence work immediately.

A revised provisional grant allocation of £30,800 issued for this scheme on 19 December 1985 thus clearing the way for the group to proceed with the work, provided the necessary insurances have been taken out by them and they have obtained a road opening licence from Galway County Council.


asked the Minister for the Environment when the final grants will be paid to the Lismoyle group water scheme, County Galway; and if he will outline the reasons for the delay in these payments.

There has been no avoidable delay in dealing with this scheme. The allocation of grants for the scheme cannot be considered until satisfactory water quality tests have been obtained for the proposed source. Following the relocation of a soakpit which was polluting the source when it was tested initially, my Department recently requested Galway County Council to arrange further tests on the supply.
