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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 May 1986

Vol. 367 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Navan School Transport.


asked the Minister for Education if he will ask CIE to reconsider the collecting point for the students attending Navan Community College so that children do not have to walk down a dangerous stretch of road, to the CIE depot, at the railway crossing; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The standard of service which is available to the pupils concerned is considered adequate in the context of the general operation of the post-primary school transport scheme. In the circumstances, it is not proposed to alter the present arrangements.

I put down this question because 300 students are asked to walk about 600 yards from the school along a very dangerous road with a very narrow footpath to the CIE depot.

The Deputy should ask a question.

Would the Minister consider directing CIE to have the buses go to the school where there is plenty of room for them to park and to collect the children?

My information is that the distance is about 500 yards and that there are footpaths on both sides of the road for most of that journey. I accept that this applies to thousands of other pupils who have to walk to and from school. In the context of the Navan by-pass being completed I will arrange to have the transport service and the pick up point re-examined from that point of view.

I accept the Ministers' last sentiments in so far as the by-pass is concerned. It is CIE bureacracy that is responsible for 300 children being asked to use a very narrow footpath on a very dangerous road. That is not very satisfactory and I should like to appeal to the Minister to ask CIE to reconsider their decision. The company was asked to change the arrangements before but they refused. For the sake of the children will the Minister tell the company to change the transport arrangement?
