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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 17 Jun 1986

Vol. 368 No. 1

Written Answers. - Social Employment Scheme.


asked the Minister for Labour if a person (details supplied) in Dublin 1 will be considered under the social employment scheme for work in an inner-city day care centre.

Participants in the social employment scheme must be over 25 years of age and in receipt of unemployment assistance or over 25 years of age, registered as unemployed for a year and in receipt of unemployment benefit.

I understand that the person referred to by the Deputy does not qualify under these conditions at present and could not therefore be considered for employment under the scheme.

Within the conditions which I have mentioned, the final selection of persons for participation in a social employment scheme rests with the sponsors of the project.

I have also inquired about the inner-city day care centre referred to by the Deputy and I find that an application for a grant under the social employment scheme has not been submitted to my Department.


asked the Minister for Labour the number and names of social employment schemes applied for in County Galway during 1986; the location and type of work within each scheme; the number of people to be employed in each scheme; the date on which each scheme has either commenced or will commence; the amount of money allocated for each scheme; the duration of each scheme; and if he will make a statement on this very important matter.

Statistics relating to the social employment scheme are at present compiled on the basis of National Manpower Service regions and are not currently available on a county by county basis.

Compiling the information sought by the Deputy would involve a considerable amount of work time and would not be justified in the light of present work pressures.

In the west region of the NMS which comprises counties Galway and Mayo, there are 401 SES projects employing 1,324 participants. I would be happy to provide information to the Deputy on any particular project in which he has a specific interest.
