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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 1986

Vol. 368 No. 8

Written Answers. - Grant Payment.


asked the Minister for the Environment when a home improvement grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Cavan.

On receipt of notification of completion of works, an inspection will be arranged with a view to payment of he grant.


asked the Minister for the Environment when an inspection will be carried out and a grant paid in connection with an application for a new house grant made by a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan, whose file was sent to the inspector on 8 January, 1986.

Following a recent inspection of the house the applicant was advised regarding outstanding works. A further inspection will be arranged when notification is received that these works have been completed. The grant will be paid when an inspection establishes that the house has been satisfactorily completed and occupied and that all conditions of the scheme have been fulfilled.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason the inspector has not called to persons (details supplied) in County Clare who applied for a house improvement grant, which was acknowledged on 2 January 1986.

An inspection was carried out in this case in January last. However, further consideration of the application had to be deferred pending the outcome of a separate application to the local authority under the disabled persons grants scheme. The decision on the latter application was notified to my Department on 17 June 1986 and a further inspection will be carried out within the next few weeks with a view to the approval of a house improvement grant for any works not covered by the disabled persons scheme.


asked the Minister for the Environment when a person (details supplied) in County Clare will be paid a house improvement grant.

On receipt of notification of completion of work, an inspection will be arranged with a view to payment of the grant.
