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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Oct 1986

Vol. 369 No. 3

Written Answers. - Advertising Standards.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is satisfied with present advertising standards; if he is aware that many advertisements contain misleading information, do not indicate the actual price to be paid for goods or a service or have special conditions or clauses attached which are not readily identifiable; and if he will make a statement as to the changes he intends making.

Limerick East): Legal controls on misleading advertising are provided by the Consumer Information Act, 1978. Under this Act it is an offence to include in an advertisement a statement or description which is false as to, for example, the nature, quantity, origin, fitness for purpose, price, etc., of any goods. There are similar provisions in relation to the advertising of services.

The provisions of this Act are enforced on a day-to-day basis by the Director of Consumer Affairs whose office was established by the Act. The director's functions under the Act include prosecuting for offences under the Act and initiating High Court proceedings for an order to prevent or prohibit misleading advertising. The director investigates all complaints brought to his notice in relation to advertising and a report is published annually on the activities of his office. If the Deputy has any particular instances of advertising in mind which he regards as misleading I would be happy to bring them to the notice of the director.

I am satisfied that this legislation provides adequate legal protection for the public against misleading advertising. I would, however, point to two legislative developments likely in the near future in relation to advertising.

Firstly, I draw the Deputy's attention to an order I have prepared under the Consumer Information Act, 1978. This order will require any advertisements or notices that make reference to the cost of credit to show the true cost of that credit by means of an annual percentage rate of charge (APR). This will enable consumers to make an informed choice between the various forms of credit on offer.

The order also requires that if an advertisement refers to the provision of goods or service on credit then the cash price and the price payable under a credit agreement must also be shown.

The draft order has been placed on the Order Paper of the House as it requires the approval of the Oireachtas.

The second development I refer to is the introduction of a legal measure which is necessary to give effect in Ireland to the EC Directive on misleading advertising. My Department is currently examining the legal implications of the Directive but I would hope to be in a position shortly to consult with interested parties on the steps I propose to take. I am satisfied at this stage, however, that most of what is required by the Directive is already provided for in Irish law by the Consumer Information Act, 1978.

I should mention briefly that as well as the legal provisions in relation to advertising to which I have referred, the advertising industry itself seeks to promote higher standards in advertising by means of its code of advertising standards.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce in view of the large numbers on the unemployment register in the Clondalkin area, Dublin 22, if he will state the plans, if any, he has to attract new industry for the Clondalkin area to help deal with this very pressing problem.

Limerick East): I am informed by the IDA that it is actively promoting Clondalkin as a suitable industrial location for both small and medium-large industry. Recently, IDA completed site development work on its 55 acre site of land at Collinstown, Leixlip which is part of the Clondalkin catchment area. The IDA will be actively promoting this site and its site of 14 acres approximately at Cloverhill, Clondalkin for industrial development.

As part of its decentralisation programme, the IDA in June 1985 set up a full time team to deal exclusively with the fostering of small industrial projects in the Dublin area. During 1985 200 small industry projects were approved for the Dublin city and county area and these projects are expected to create over 900 jobs over the next two years. Included among these was the Coopers Animal Health project in Airton Road, which employs 39 people manufacturing veterinary products.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce in view of the large numbers on the unemployment register in the Tallaght area of Dublin 24, if he will state the plans, if any, he has to attract new industry for the Tallaght area to help deal with this very pressing problem.

Limerick East): I am informed by the Industry Development Authority that it is actively promoting the Tallaght area for industrial development and that the Tallaght enterprise centre which is now on stream is beginning to generate a flow of new small projects in the area. It is envisaged that these projects will increase in size over the the next few years.

Of the 18 units which have been completed, seven are already occupied, another six are approved for occupation and a further five are reserved pending IDA approval of grants for the relevant projects.

A number of other developments have taken place, among them the allocation of 3,000 sq. ft. in the Tallaght enterprise centre to the Get Tallaght Working Group for the provision of local community based employment. IDA is in continuous contact with locally organised representative groups in Tallaght and was involved in the established of a management committee for the enterprise centre which includes representatives of the local community, chamber of commerce and community council.

The IDA own a 25 acre site in Tallaght which it is currently marketing as a suitable location for new large industry projects.
